Thursday, May 16, 2019

Choose Happy -- Choose Healthy!

May 10, 2019
Dear Friends,
There is a connection between wanting to be happy and being happy; between wanting to be healthy and being healthy! Setting an intention for having a good day doesn't prevent every difficulty from happening. But, it does change the perception of and the response to those things that crop up in the course of our days. We can decide to accept the good things that happen, or that we see around us without saying, "but what about (insert fear or worry here)?" Accepting that we will have challenges to our health, but that many of them can be prevented or overcome with a bit of effort.
Choose to be happy when things go right! Choose to make changes that enhance your health   (small things can make a big difference over time)! Choose reality over perceived catastrophe! Sleep more, move more, sing or dance more, laugh more...these things will make you happier and healthier at no cost! Fix little issues before they become big ones...get adjusted!
 Office hours are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9 -1 and 3 -6 and Saturdays 9 - 1. Call 201-525 -0707 to make an apointment with Joan, Jolanta or Debi at a convenient time.
All the best and we'll see you soon!
Carmel-Ann Mania, D.C.

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