Dear Friends,
I have an interest in nature and love to keep up with the celestial goings on that happen all the time. This month of May is a big one for the planet Jupiter! On the 8th and 9th, Jupiter was clearly seen by the naked eye crossing the night sky. Looking like a steady, bright light, it reminded me that we sometimes need to come out of our own little circle of "stuff" to see something beautiful! And, though I live in an urban environment with street lights and close neighbors, it was easy to see that bright light because I simply looked up out of my window and beyond my own backyard. I want to remind you to look up and around for the beauty of nature. It will surely nourish your spirit and boost your mind and body!
We here in the office want to wish all our patients and friends a Happy Mother's Day! Even if you are not a mother yourself, you have had a mother or acted in a motherly way to someone in your know how important motherly energy is to our "inner children", even though we are no longer actual children. So we are sending a hug with motherly energy, to each of you! Hug that inner child and enjoy your day!
If you are in need of more that just a hug, remember that we are here to help you, too. Simply look up and beyond your circle of "stuff", call and make an appointment.Office Hours are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9 -1 and 3 -6 and Saturdays 9 - 1. Call 201-525-0707 to make an appointment with Joan, Jolanta or Debi at a convenient time.
All the best and we'll see you soon!
Carmel-Ann Mania, D.C.
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