Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Thanks for being Connected!

November 10, 2019

Dear Friends,
Thanks are in order for the many of you who took the time to contact our New Jersey Legislators regarding the proposed merger of Horizon and American Specialty Health. Over 200,000 Chiropractic patients (and their doctors) spoke out about the issue and got the matter dismissed. There is likely to be another attempt sometime next year, but if there is, I know that those of us who rely on Chiropractic to keep us at our best will answer any challenge. Thank you for your participation and support!
I am writing as a cold, wet front is sliding in... The patients have been telling me they feel it their bones! Recent studies have confirmed that weather changes do actually make people feel more body pain and stiffness. We didn't really need a study to tell us that! Maybe though, it feels good to have your perceptions vindicated. Perhaps we should take comfort in the idea that we, as human beings, are very much connected to what happens in the universe, as well as, what goes on in our individual lives.
We are so connected that we respond to the changes in sunlight, to the angle of the earth and the pull of the  moon. We are also connected to the energy of others and can affect their outlook and energy as well. Take the opportunity as the daylight hours shorten and the angle of the earth changes, to care for your self and your loved ones with a Chiropractic check up and adjustment. Enhance your lengthened sleep time with a comfy new sleep support pillow! Order new moisture resistant orthotics for those snow boots (before you are desperate). Spend some of your Health or Flexible spending account on something to uplift your energy and enhance your health. Bring that energy to yourself and others...Connect with others from a new Healthier perspective! And remember that we are always here to help you achieve the optimum in wellness!
Office hours are Tuesday, Thursday, and  Friday 9 - 1 and 3 -6 and Saturdays 9 - 1. Call 201-525-0707 to make an appointment with Jolanta, Joan, or Debi.
All the best and we'll see you soon!
Carmel-Ann Mania, D.C.

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